Thursday, April 05, 2007

Drugs are good...

...they let you do things that you know you know should.
and when you do 'em people think that you're cool.

Ah, NOFX really knows how to say it.

So it's been a while, eh? Well nothing much has changed. I'm still in Morocco, still going to AUI, and still having back problems. I have a had a few visitors though.

I've had a few visitors the past month. For Spring Break, Sus and Regan came for a 8 days. We traveled around Morocco and saw Rabat, Fes, Tangier, Casablanca, and Ifrane. We had a lot of fun and the time flew by. A week after they left, my friend Chelsey from Fargo came for 5 days. We also had a lot of fun, but her time here was shorter. So we spent time in Ifrane, Tetouan, and Fes. She left a few days ago, but not before she got to witness me fall on my ass. We laughed, but my back is in worse shape now. The fall combined with all of the traveling I've had to do has left my back in really rough shape. But the health center here has some pretty awesome drugs. So I've been staying "happy" for the past few days and have been able to miss classes, which doesn't help much with the major case of senioritis I've been suffering with all semester.

Anyway, I blame the drugs for what I'm going to say next. Since Chelsey left, I haven't been able to stop listening to pop/dance/hip hop music. The day that I got back to campus I downloaded a few songs and have been listening to them non-stop. Here's the current list:

What Goes Around Comes Around - Justin Timberlake
My Humps - Black Eyed Peas
Pump It - Black Eyed Peas
Hips Don't Lie - Shakira (carry-over from Auschwietz
Smack That - Akon feat. Eminem.

I've tried to stop listening to these songs, but with no success. If anyone has any tips on how to kick the pop, please let me know. I'm hoping that it just plays itself out by listening to them constantly, but Shakira has been around since January...she's obviously going no where.

Well I'm gonna go now so I can continue to enjoy being stoned...legally. Plus there are some Sudoku puzzles calling my name.


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