I went into Ifrane again today. I wish I had more time to spend there. It's such a beautiful town. Here's a little bit about Ifrane.
It's a resort town about the size of Williston. It's a vacation spot for a number of Moroccans and during the summer months it is PACKED with people. The road into Ifrane is curvey, and when you get to the edge of town there's a lake on one side of the road. There are quite a few people playing games, chatting, and just hanging out there all the time. After a couple blocks you get to one of the shopping districts. One side of the road is lined with little shops and a couple restaurants. The other side has a small pond with a fountain in the middle. Both sides of the road are completely lined with people...walking, sitting, chatting. People everywhere. It's really cool to see so many people just hanging out outside in a town this small. I've eaten at a few places in town and can say that the food is good. It's hard to order though because everything is in French. So I just order pizzas because, well, pizza is pizza in French.
I've been assured that in a couple weeks there will be virtually no one in Ifrane. It will become almost deserted.
Anyway, that's enough rambling for now. Here's some more pictures.
These first couple are just of houses and a business in Ifrane. I've never been to Europe, but this is what I imagine a European town to look like, which isn't too surprising because there is a strong French influence in the area.

If you look closely at this picture, on the top of the house on both sides, you'll see a couple brown spots on the red-tile roof. You can't really tell by this picture, but those are HUGE bird nests. I'm not sure what kind of bird, but it's unmistakable from the ground.

More houses. It seems that all houses in Ifrane have a gate and a brick or cement fence in front of it.

These next two are of the people and park/fountain on the opposite side of the road from the shops. This picture doesn't do justice to exactly how many people are on the street, but it show how people are just hanging out. Behind the people sitting on the ledge is the pond with the fountain which will appear.....

...here. This seems to be the central meeting point of people. The first time I came to town the park around the pond was packed with people and there was loud music playing.

The people here wear such different, colorful clothes. And I don't mean different as in different from you and I. I mean different as in different from each other. I never see more than one person wearing the same shorts, or same pink polo shirt with their worn-out baseball caps cocked to one side. The people are pretty much all unique from what I've seen.
Anyway, that's it for now. Classes start tomorrow so I don't know when I'll be able to take/post more pics. I think some of us are going to travel to Fez this weekend. Fez is supposed to be pretty amazing. It's a lot bigger than Ifrane and it's not a tourist town. So don't exepct too much more from me this week.
It's a resort town about the size of Williston. It's a vacation spot for a number of Moroccans and during the summer months it is PACKED with people. The road into Ifrane is curvey, and when you get to the edge of town there's a lake on one side of the road. There are quite a few people playing games, chatting, and just hanging out there all the time. After a couple blocks you get to one of the shopping districts. One side of the road is lined with little shops and a couple restaurants. The other side has a small pond with a fountain in the middle. Both sides of the road are completely lined with people...walking, sitting, chatting. People everywhere. It's really cool to see so many people just hanging out outside in a town this small. I've eaten at a few places in town and can say that the food is good. It's hard to order though because everything is in French. So I just order pizzas because, well, pizza is pizza in French.
I've been assured that in a couple weeks there will be virtually no one in Ifrane. It will become almost deserted.
Anyway, that's enough rambling for now. Here's some more pictures.
These first couple are just of houses and a business in Ifrane. I've never been to Europe, but this is what I imagine a European town to look like, which isn't too surprising because there is a strong French influence in the area.

If you look closely at this picture, on the top of the house on both sides, you'll see a couple brown spots on the red-tile roof. You can't really tell by this picture, but those are HUGE bird nests. I'm not sure what kind of bird, but it's unmistakable from the ground.

More houses. It seems that all houses in Ifrane have a gate and a brick or cement fence in front of it.

These next two are of the people and park/fountain on the opposite side of the road from the shops. This picture doesn't do justice to exactly how many people are on the street, but it show how people are just hanging out. Behind the people sitting on the ledge is the pond with the fountain which will appear.....

...here. This seems to be the central meeting point of people. The first time I came to town the park around the pond was packed with people and there was loud music playing.

The people here wear such different, colorful clothes. And I don't mean different as in different from you and I. I mean different as in different from each other. I never see more than one person wearing the same shorts, or same pink polo shirt with their worn-out baseball caps cocked to one side. The people are pretty much all unique from what I've seen.
Anyway, that's it for now. Classes start tomorrow so I don't know when I'll be able to take/post more pics. I think some of us are going to travel to Fez this weekend. Fez is supposed to be pretty amazing. It's a lot bigger than Ifrane and it's not a tourist town. So don't exepct too much more from me this week.