Friday, September 01, 2006


Two terrible things have just happened. I will list them in reverse chronological order, the purpose of which will soon be apparent.

1. I have just been introduced to a fellow musician. My roommate, Neyl, has a friend here on campus, Hassaam, who plays guitar. He has a group of people he plays with on campus and has invited me to "jam" with him sometime.

I had found myself thinking about trying to find people to play with, but had almost instantly tossed that idea from me mind. I keep telling myself that I'm here to study, and it becomes very obvious the other day that I NEED to buckle down and study Arabic. While playing music with other people would be fun, educational, and healthy, it's a distraction that I'm not sure I can afford to have. I'll just have to take it bit by bit and attempt to control myself...but what if we rock!!! Then I guess I'll have to succumb to the ever powerful rock'n roll and let the sweetness ooze from my fingertips.

DISCLAIMER: The content of this second part may be offensive, gross, disgusting, or just unappealing to some people. I suggest that if you are one of these people, DO NOT read any further. I do not accept responsibility for what may happen if you do.

Ok? Ok.

2. It's happening. It's happening and I can't stop it. It's not depression. Not anxiety or homesickness. It's not a sense of paranoia or culture shock. It's worse.....much worse.
Apparently my "body" isn't used to some of the food, liquids, or contents thereof that I have been consuming the past week. I am forced to visit the bathroom a few times a day and am kept awake due to the incessant grumbling coming from "below". That's right.....I have diarrhea. Bad. I'm hoping it passes soon, and I'm hoping that Neyl doesn't end up requesting a different dorm or roommate. It awoke me at 3am last night, kept me up for a couple hours, and has interrupted my daily routine not once, or twice, but thrice times today. Please God, help.


Blogger Carol said...

Nice blog - imodium's the ticket - i was sick in Kenya last spring after an incredibly awful food experience, and it cleared right up in no time. If not, get some Cipro from the school nurse/doc, its the next line of defense.

8:49 AM  

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